You can let Ziply Password Manager auto-generate a password for you.
Your device | Auto-generate a password |
Computer |
Android device |
iOS device |
- In the app, go to the entry you want to edit.
- Tap Edit or the edit pencil icon to open the entry for modification.
- In the password field, tap . This will let you see the current password for editing.
- Edit the password to what you desire, and tap on an Android or Done on an iOS device.
- Open the Ziply Password Manager app on any of your devices.
- Click Settings from the menu, then Change Master Password.
- Type in your old master password.
- Type in a new master password.
- Confirm your new master password.
- Click Change.
- Once you change your Master Password on one device, you must use the new password on all your synchronized devices.
- If you previously created a QR recovery code in case you forget your master password, you must create a new QR recovery code for your new master password.
To recover your master password you must have previously created a QR recovery code. We chose not to use security questions to let you recover your master password because someone could find the answers to your password reset questions online. Security questions reduce your level of security, so we don't use them in Ziply Password Manager.
Your device | Recover your master password |
Computer |
Mobile device |