
Use Closed Captioning

Closed Captioning displays a text version of the program you are watching right on your TV screen. It is helpful for people who are hearing-impaired, and is also useful if there's noise around you that prevents you from hearing clearly. For example, you might see Closed Captioning displayed in a sports bar so people can follow the game in a noisy environment.

Most Fiber TV remote control models let you turn Closed Captioning on or off by pressing the (asterisk) button. Otherwise, you can always use the Media Guide to turn Closed Captioning on or off.

On your remote control:

  1. Select Menu > Settings > System > Accessibility > Close Captions.
  2. Select either On or Off and press OK.

Closed Captioning may not be available depending on your setup and equipment.

Closed Captioning Contact Information
If you have any questions about Ziply Fiber's accessibility solutions for customers with disabilities you may reach out to us at 888-488-0054 . 

Still need help? Call 1.866.947.5995
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