Do you need help with: Your voicemail Blocking phone calls Long distance problems Local area code changes Battery backup for [...]
Here’s how to manage your voicemail greeting and passcode, save messages and more. Access voicemail for the first time. Callers can leave you messages before your mailbox is set up. To listen to messages and use other voicemail features, dial *100 from your Ziply Fiber Home Phone. The first [...]
Your Home Phone Unlimited service uses electrical power to function. If you lose power a battery backup unit (BBU) will provide power to your phone and keep it connected to make phone calls, including emergency 911 calls. To be sure you are protected with this function, we've partnered with [...]
Anonymous call rejection Block callers whose numbers are not displayed on your caller ID. Activate anonymous call rejection: *77 Deactivate anonymous call rejection: *87 Call blocking See instructions for blocking telemarketers and other unwanted calls here. Call forwarding Send [...]
There are typically three possible reasons that you're unable to make long-distance calls: Your Call Forwarding service is turned on. There is a physical problem at a telephone switch. Your payment is overdue so your long distance calling service is restricted. Prevent Your [...]
Call Block allows you to block calls from specific phone numbers and telemarketers. Blocked callers hear a voice recording that says you’re not currently accepting calls. Block a specific phone number Press * 6-0 (on a rotary phone, dial 1-1-6-0). Follow the instructional prompts for [...]
The Battery Backup Unit (BBU) and the Power Supply Unit (PSU) are required for Digital Phone service to the Optical Network Terminal (or ONT). Each Battery Backup Unit must have a Power Supply Unit that plugs into an outlet, supplying power to it. Each Power Supply Unit has a small green [...]
When parts of the country grow to have too many local phone numbers, changes are needed. Sometimes new area codes are introduced. That can mean that people have to dial their own area code to complete a local call. These changes are overseen by the North American Numbering Plan Administration [...]
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