
General Terms and Conditions

DISH Network Digital Satellite TV


Business Unit: Partners

Audience(s): GM

1H 2020 offer period: 1/14/2020 - 7/15/2020

All information contained herein is confidential and subject to change. Please do not share.

Legal requirements: All offer creative require the in-body disclaimer where applicable, as well as a long-form disclaimer.

      ● Pricing Changes and Offers Overview

o 2 Year TV Price Guarantee - New Customer Promotional Pricing

▪ AT250 - $94.99 ($5 increase)
▪ AT200 - $84.99 ($5 increase)
▪ AT120+ - $74.99 ($5 increase)
▪ AT120 - 59.99 (no increase)
▪Focus on America’s Top 120 with Smart HD DVR & Voice Remote

● Included in 2-year price guarantee at $59.99 advertised price: America's Top 120 programming package, local channels, HD service fees, and Hopper Duo Smart DVR for 1 TV.

● Included in 2-year price guarantee for additional cost: Programming package upgrades ($74.99 for AT120+, $84.99 for AT200, $94.99 for AT250), monthly fees for upgraded or additional receivers ($5-$7 per additional TV, receivers with additional functionality may be $10-$15).

o Extended: Free Voice Remote with the Google Assistant

Google Voice Remote Marketing Resources

▪Built-In Remote Finder

▪ “Free Google Voice Remote and DVR Included”

o Extended: Hopper Duo - Smart HD DVR Included

▪ Upgrade to Hopper DVR for $5

▪ Joey/4k Joey/Wireless Joey monthly fee or upgraded receivers $5-$7 (receivers with additional functionality may be $10-$15)

● *requires eAutopay discount and includes Hopper Duo DVR ($5 discount for 24 months) or Wally/211

- Built in Netflix, YouTube and more

- 80,000 movies and shows On-Demand

o Extended: Military/Veterans/First-Responder Offer

▪ Free on-demand movie rental every month

▪ Stars and stripes programming pack

▪ Stream 100% of your live and recorded TV to any mobile device, on up to five authorized accounts, with DISH Anywhere.

▪ 2 year TV price guarantee.

o Extended: 55+ Offer

▪ First On Demand Movie Rental Free Each Month

▪ Dish Protect Plus for the first 6 months of service

▪ Record primetime shows and skip commercials.

o Extended: FREE Standard Installation

▪ “As early as tomorrow”

o Extended: DISH Outdoors

▪ Already a DISH Customer? Add to your existing service for only $7 a month and get your home and outdoor TV in one bill.

o Extended: DISH Protect

▪ DISH Protect Silver - 9.99/mo (same as DISH Protect Plus for 55+)

▪ DISH Protect Gold - 12.99/mo

▪ DISH Protect Platinum - 24.99/mo

▪ DISH Protect Plus (55+ only) - 9.99/mo (first 6 months free)

o Extended: Refer a friend

▪ Text “REFER” to DISH1 (34741) to get a referral code

▪ Give to a friend

▪ You’ll both earn 100 points to a reward

In-body disclosures (proximity to feature required):

“All offers require credit qualification, 24-month commitment with early termination fee and eAutoPay. Prices include Hopper Duo for qualifying customers. Hopper, Hopper w/Sling or Hopper 3 $5/mo. more. Upfront fees may apply based on credit qualification.


IH2020 Legal Disclosures: Minimum 6pt font size

Footnoted disclaimers (proximity to feature not required):

Offer for new and qualifying former customers only.

Long-Form Disclosure (proximity to feature not required):

In-Market Dates: 1/14/2020 - 7/15/2020

Offer for new and qualifying former customers only.

Important Terms and Conditions:

Qualification: Advertised price requires credit qualification and 24-month commitment. Upfront activation and/or receiver upgrade fees may apply based on credit qualification. Offer ends 7/15/20. 2-Year Commitment: Early termination fee of $20/mo. remaining applies if you cancel early. Included in 2-year price guarantee at $59.99 advertised price: America's Top 120 programming package, local channels, HD service fees, and Hopper Duo Smart DVR for 1 TV. Included in 2-year price guarantee for additional cost: Programming package upgrades ($74.99 for AT120+, $84.99 for AT200, $94.99 for AT250), monthly fees for upgraded or additional receivers ($5-$7 per additional TV, receivers with additional functionality may be $10-$15). Regional Sports: RSN Surcharge up to $3/mo. applies to AT120+ and higher packages and varies based on location. NOT included in 2- year price guarantee or advertised price (and subject to change): Taxes & surcharges, add-on programming (including premium channels), DISH Protect, and transactional fees. Premium Channels: 3 Mos. Free: After 3 mos., you will be billed $30/mo. for Showtime, Starz, and DISH Movie Pack unless you call or go online to cancel. Remote: The DISH Voice Remote with the Google Assistant requires internet-connected Hopper, Joey, or Wally device. Customer must press Voice Remote button to activate feature. The Google Assistant Smart Home features require Google account and compatible devices. Google is a trademark of Google LLC. Other: All packages, programming, features, and functionality and all prices and fees not included in price lock are subject to change without notice. After 6 mos., if selected, you will be billed $9.99/mo. for DISH Protect Plus unless you call to cancel. After 2 years, then-current everyday prices for all services apply. For business customers, additional monthly fees may apply. Free standard professional installation only.

Updated 12/18/2019 | Questions? Comments? Marketing Submissions? Email OEAdvertising@dish.com