Your Ziply Fiber bill may contain charges for services that you or other authorized individuals in your household have purchased from companies other than your local telephone company, Ziply Fiber. Such charges appear in a separate section of your bill along with the name and toll-free number of the company providing the services. The most common example of such a charge would be from a long distance service providers.
Please review your bills carefully each month to be sure you are only being charged for authorized services. If such charges do appear, you may contact Ziply Fiber or the other provider at the numbers provided on that statement to discuss the charges.
If you do not want any charges from companies other than Ziply Fiber to be on your bill, contact us toll-free at 866-69-ZIPLY (866-699-4759) to request that a block be placed on your account. This will not affect your ability to call long distance from your home. There is no cost for this service.