
Call Park

Call Park, also known as Valet Call Park, combines the elements of transferring a call and placing it on hold. Rather than asking the caller to call back later or sending them to voicemail, the call can be transferred to a virtual parking spot where it will remain on hold until the party they're calling is available. It's an easy way to hold a call so it can be retrieved from another phone.

See also: Directed Call Park

Using an IP Phone

When a parking spot is assigned to a line on your phone, you can park and retrieve calls with the click of a button. Please contact Customer Support to set it up on your device.

Configured Line
Call Park Places a call in a parking spot.
1. While on a call, press the line key assigned to the parking spot.
2. The call will be placed in that parking spot.
Call Park Retrieval Retrieves a parked call from a parking spot.
1. Press the line key on the phone for the parking spot the call has been placed in.
2. You will be connected to the parked caller.

Using Star Codes

When parking calls using star codes, you will be automatically assigned a call a numbered parking spot, and the call can be retrieved by anyone who knows the park location number.

Star Codes Disclaimer

Star codes are customized by your service provider. Refer to your user guide for the list of star codes available on your service.

Star Code Instructions
Call Park (IP Phone) Place a call in a parking spot using an IP phone.
1. While on a call, press [Transfer].
2. Dial the star code.
3. The system will indicate the parking spot the call has been placed in.
  • For example, "Call parked at location 01."
4. Hang up.
Call Park (Analog Phones) Place a call in a parking spot using an analog phone.
1. While on a call, hit the hook flash. You will receive a secondary dial tone.
2. Dial the star code.
3. You will hear, "Call parked at location ##." Remember this number.
4. Hang up to complete the transfer to the parking slot.
Call Park Retrieval Retrieve a parked call from a parking spot.
1. Dial the star code + the parking spot the call was placed in.
2. For example: *6601
3. You will be connected to the parked caller.
Still need help? Call 1.866.947.5988
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