
Support Wizard

Let's clear your web browser’s cache and cookies.

On your computer:

  1. Find your browser's main menu button and look for Settings, Options or Tools. You'll find:
    • "Clear browsing data" under "Advanced" in Google Chrome.
    • "Cookies and Site Data" under "Privacy & Security" in Mozilla Firefox.
    • "Clear browsing data" on the "Settings" tab in Microsoft Edge.
    • "Delete browsing history" under "Safety" in Internet Explorer.
  2. Click and follow the onscreen instructions for your type of browser.

On your smartphone or tablet, go to your device's Settings.

  • On an iPhone or iPad, you're probably using Safari. Scroll down and tap Safari, then scroll down to find "Clear History and Website Data". Tap to clear the data.
  • On an Android device, go to Apps and find your browser. Tap on Storage and look for buttons to clear your cache and cookies.

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